@article{RPSS-2016-5-1-258, author = { }, title = { „Anelis Plus” Asociaţia pentru obținerea literaturii științifice internaționale (I) }, volume = { 5 }, number = { 1 }, pages = { 62-69 }, year = { 2016 }, abstract ={ Foundation history of the ”Anelis Plus” Association is presented along with details of the necessary steps of involving Universties, Research Institutions and Central Libraries of Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Iași and Timișoara Universities in order to provide access to the main foreign books and scientific journals necessary for the scientific activities across Romania are described. }, URL = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/258 }, eprint = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/258/file }, journal = { Revista de Politica Științei și Scientometrie – Serie Nouă } }